Common Mistakes to Avoid in Automation Testing and How to Fix Them



Automation testing is essential for quickly and efficiently validating software applications. However, there are some common mistakes teams make when implementing automated tests that can undermine the effectiveness of the testing process. Being aware of these pitfalls and how to avoid them is key for realizing the full benefits of test automation. This article outlines some of the most common mistakes in automation testing and provides recommendations for mitigating them.

Not Having a Dedicated Test Automation

Team Having skilled engineers who solely focus on building and maintaining test automation is crucial. Often, organizations assign automation testing responsibilities to manual testers or developers. However, these team members typically do not have the specialized skills needed to code automated checks efficiently. They may create flaky, unmaintainable scripts that provide little testing value. Organizations should invest in hiring or training specialist automation engineers for the best results.

Overlooking the Importance of Test Maintenance

The most significant cost of automation is maintaining existing test scripts, which requires dedicated time from skilled engineers. However, many teams pour efforts into initially automating tests before later neglecting ongoing maintenance. This leads to test suites rotting over time. Ensure there is capacity for an automation team to actively maintain scripts through code reviews, refactoring, analyzing test failures, and updating locators/selectors.

Lacking Proper Planning and Governance

Successfully incorporating automation into the testing process requires upfront planning around tools, frameworks, code standards, test data, reporting, roles and responsibilities, etc. Without solid governance around how automated testing will align with current processes, teams may suffer from poorly written scripts and wasted efforts. Take the time to strategically plan automation supported by leadership.

Over-Reliance on Record and Playback

While record and playback tools that generate code from manually interacting with an app expedite initial test creation, they often produce flaky, unmaintainable, code. Relying predominantly on these tools typically creates tech debt requiring significant rework. It’s better to have engineers manually code tests using consistent coding standards and frameworks. Record and playback should primarily serve to give less technical team members a starting point that automation engineers can then improve.

Limited Test Data Management

Automated checks need varying types of realistic test data to efficiently validate different application scenarios. However, teams often struggle with dynamically managing test data, leading to unstable tests and excessive manual intervention. Look to set up robust test data capabilities like the ability to: securely mask/generate personal data, mimic workflows for creating interlinked records in the database, reuse existing datasets for repeat runs without altering production data, etc.

Overemphasis on GUI Testing

While having a sound end-to-end, GUI test automation suite is important, teams should not focus solely on interface testing. Automating via API and unit testing allows detecting issues earlier in the development lifecycle without large test lab setups. Start test automation at the API layer and supplement it with UI tests for critical customer journeys. Also, move towards component testing for web applications.

Lack of Specific, Quantifiable Goals

Setting clear targets around metrics like test coverage for new features, defect escape rate reduction, test creation timelines, etc. gives purpose and focus to test automation initiatives. Without measurable goals tied to business priorities, the value delivered from extensive automation efforts cannot be determined. Continually getting leadership buy-in around quantifiable objectives is essential.

Minimal Attention to Technical Debt Reduction

Continuously enhance automated test code quality through re-engineering, updating locators/selectors, merging redundant scripts, improving error handling, and code analysis. If aging, unreliable test suites are not actively maintained, automation becomes a hindrance. Mandate time for script analysis and refresh old tests with new frameworks/methods to minimize technical debt.

Overlooking Shift Left Opportunities for Automation Engineers

Consider involving automation engineers in requirements and design reviews to provide input on testability and automation feasibility of features under development. By identifying potential testability issues in the planning stages, automation and development teams can collaborate closely to reduce test effort later on. Make this a standard practice to shift testing left.


Avoiding common test automation pitfalls related to lack of governance, test maintenance neglect, over-reliance on flaky tools, etc. is necessary to maximize the value of automation efforts. By understanding solutions to these problems like strategically planning automation initiatives, focusing on technical debt reduction, and shifting testing left, teams can optimize automated suites to accelerate software delivery. Addressing these areas will enable organizations to realize increased efficiency, faster feedback, and improved quality from their test automation investment.

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