Jehovah’s Witnesses in the NBA: Exploring Faith and Basketball


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Jehovah’s Witnesses are a Christian denomination known for their door-to-door preaching and refusing blood transfusions. They also abstain from nationalistic displays, which has led to conflicts for some Witnesses in the high-profile world of professional basketball. Despite these challenges, a number of Witnesses have found success in the NBA while adhering to their faith.

Brief Background on Jehovah’s Witnesses

  • Founded in late 19th century United States
  • Follow their own translation of the Bible called New World Translation
  • Emphasize God’s name Jehovah
  • Believe Jesus is Son of God but not part of a Trinity
  • Active preaching work and avoidance of mainstream politics and social causes
  • Prohibit blood transfusions and military service

Challenges for Witnesses in the NBA

  • Cannot join national teams or participate in nationalist rituals
  • Difficulty finding time for preaching and meetings during busy NBA schedule
  • Avoidance of violence and competitive taunting goes against NBA norms
  • Blood transfusion prohibition could be life-threatening if injured

Notable Jehovah’s Witnesses in NBA History

Xavier McDaniel

  • Star player for Seattle SuperSonics in 1980s
  • Refused to stand for national anthem
  • Fined regularly for not appearing on promotional posters

Shawn Bradley

  • 7 foot 6 center known for shot blocking
  • Did not stand for anthem or engage in on-court violence
  • Subjected to ridicule and hostility from fans and media

Kenneth Norman

  • Forward for LA Clippers in 1990s
  • Missed games due to meetings and preaching
  • Retired early, citing religious objections

Balancing Faith and NBA Career

  • Schedule flexibility important for attending meetings
  • Some teams and coaches more accommodating than others
  • Public prejudice remains an issue
  • Shorter contracts enabled some players to retire early
  • Strong personal commitment to faith required


Jehovah’s Witnesses in the NBA have shown it’s possible to perform at the highest level of a major pro sport while adhering to the tenets of their religion. Despite prejudice and numerous obstacles, these players have demonstrated remarkable dedication both on the court and in the ministry. Their stories provide an interesting perspective on maintaining religious devotion in a demanding public profession.


Do Jehovah’s Witnesses in the NBA attend meetings?

Yes, many Jehovah’s Witness players do their best to attend religious meetings, even when they are on the road. They prioritize their faith and make arrangements to ensure they can observe their religious duties.

How do Jehovah’s Witness players handle birthdays and holidays?

Jehovah’s Witness players typically abstain from celebrating birthdays and holidays. They respect their faith by not participating in these practices.

Do Jehovah’s Witnesses in the NBA engage in door-to-door evangelism?

Due to their busy schedules, Jehovah’s Witness players usually find alternative ways to share their faith. They may use their platform to discuss their beliefs with teammates, fans, or the public.

Are there any specific rituals or practices Jehovah’s Witness players follow before games? Jehovah’s Witness players may have their own rituals or moments of reflection before games to maintain their connection with their faith.

How do Jehovah’s Witnesses in the NBA handle the challenge of saluting the flag or participating in military-related activities? Jehovah’s Witness players typically refrain from saluting the flag and engaging in military service. The NBA respects their right to abstain from these activities.

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